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The Studies & Science Behind KAQUN

All KAQUN studies were carried out in Hungarian and foreign research institutes and university laboratories in accordance with professional standards. We are proud of the results we have experienced and proven in our studies. 


In 2009 KAQUN has contracted the National Institute of Chemical Safety (OKBI) to test the immune effects of KAQUN water on healthy volunteers at the Department of Cytogenetics and Immunology of OKBI. In 2012 we continued our immunological studies in Debrecen, Hungary. 

Recovery and Supportive Therapy

From 2013-2015 KAQUN examined the effects of KAQUN water on patients undergoing oncological treatment such as radiation-induced dermatitis and drug-induced dermatitis.

Product Safety

In 2010 and 2011 the examinations titled “Cytotoxicity examination of Kaqun water in HepG2 cells” and “Study for the KAQUN’s effect for antioxidant capacity” were carried out in compliance with the regulations of OECD Principles of Good Laboratory Practice (ENV/MC/CHEM(98)17) at the Molecular and Cell Biological Department of the National Institute of Chemical Safety.

Physical and Mental Condition

In 2007 and 2012, we decided to make our own studies on the field of Physical and Mental conditions. The aim of these studies was to examine objectively the oxygen saturation, the reaction time, the exertion of forces, blood pressure, all data that can be derived from an ECG, the stress index and the standing stability of people during the continuous consumption of KAQUN water and before and after a simultaneous KAQUN bath session.